by aim-admin | Jul 26, 2021
The Laguna Madre Art League is a group of artists creating fine art…including paintings, drawings, photography, weaving, fabric art, glass, sculpture, ceramics, woodworking, jewelry arts and digital art in a variety of styles.
by aim-admin | Jul 26, 2021
The Laguna Madre Art Gallery is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the arts in the Laguna Madre Area of South Texas. We assist local artists in the development of their careers by providing display and sales space for their visual artwork. We work to...
by aim-admin | Jul 13, 2021
This first small production earned money to underwrite events for the initial season, including a small educational outreach program. For the first years, the Foundation relied heavily on talented artists from UTB and area groups in Valley cities. We ran on a very...
by aim-admin | Jun 18, 2021
The Rio Grande Valley Wing of the Commemorative Air Force is dedicated to preserving history and the spirit of freedom! MUSEUM HOURS: We are open to the public between 9:30 am and 2pm every Saturday. As this is the day volunteers are performing various projects and...